遗传算法是 a 名-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




We have found a place that has planted the seed for a love of learning. GA为我们的孩子们提供了一个扎根的地方, 和 grow in confidence 和 independence so that one day they will have the ability to soar on their own. Yet at the same time they have a very keen underst和ing that one day when their time here as a student is up, their time as a vwin德赢娱乐 Patriot will continue forever. 和, 作为家长, there is no better feeling than to know that your children will forever have a place that they can return with open arms.——詹妮弗·M.蓝铃

“我在vwin德赢娱乐的时光对我影响很大, 这是我生命中的重要时刻, 和 the support of Gaby Russomagno was critical for my confidence 和 ambitions.——Dan Veltri '03,联合创始人& Weebly的首席产品官

“GA was one of the best things that has ever happened to me 和 I talk a lot about it with other people. GA是一个非常特别的地方. Not everyone gets that opportunity 和 you should be proud to be here.——Colleen Magarity, 07年教练 & 教育家

“GA有很多很棒的老师. They recognized 和 saw that my life was heading a bit outside the traditional norm, 那时我找到了我的激情和人生的使命, 我有能力和组织能力去追求它.——乔什·弗里德,2006年,演员 & 特技演员

GA gave me sharp critical analysis skills that help push my designs beyond just a beautiful form.——Katrinna Whiting, 脸谱网的产品设计师

“I learned to have an open-minded view of this world 和 it's people, 我在佐治亚大学有很多值得我尊敬的老师, 从Mr. Savering in second grade to Ritt's (Phil Rittenhouse) AP Bio class.——马克·韦克曼05年,“希望战车”的副主任

"GA helped foster my creativity 和 forever friendships that ended up setting stage, 我不知道, 感谢我今天所做的一切.——Stephanie Tsoflias Siegel 01级,Reel Media Group创始人 & 电视台记者




Investing in your child's future is one of the most important decisions a family can make, 我们在这里帮助您进行财务规划. GA tuition is inclusive of activity 和 technology fees for all students. It is payable either in full or by enrolling in a 10-month online payment plan. Tuition for the coming year is set by GA’s Board of 受托人 和 announced in January. 学费通过10个月的在线支付计划支付, while fees are billed each month through our online accounting company. An enrollment deposit is required by late winter, 和 payments for tuition begin each May.


We encourage all interested families to inquire about tuition assistance. Annually, financial aid is awarded to approximately 33% of the student body. 点击这里 了解更多.


名(至中午) $18,170
K $27,775
1st $30,985
2nd $30,985
3rd $32,160
4th $36,030
5th $36,460
6-8th $38,930
9-12th $42,390



学生每月收取个人费用, 比如学校用品, 学校商店的零食和精神用品, 学校舞蹈录取, 私人音乐课, 学生筹款, 和 低年级课外活动. For more information on GA’s 学费和杂费, please call the Business Office at 267-405-7393.






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